Sometimes an association’s email marketing campaigns can become ‘cookie-cutter’ in style when regular communications regarding invoices, membership, and annual events come up. Repeating the same messages over and over. So, how do you keep your email marketing campaigns to members fresh, innovative, and meaningful – even when the content may be the same year-over-year?

The first step is reevaluating your campaigns with the goal of creating next-level and effective email marketing campaigns targeted at association members and their evolving preferences. This includes understanding and staying on top of their interests and preferences to ensure you are providing valuable and enticing content that keeps engagement and ‘click rates’ high.

Here are some other strategic ways to keep the association’s email marketing campaigns targeted at members, interesting and innovative.

1. Segment Your Audience

Not all members are the same. As the membership grows, it is important to stay on top of what interests members and what they value. Start by segmenting your audience by demographics, interests, membership status, or event attendance to ensure relevant information goes to targeted membership audiences.

2. Personalize Your Emails

Personalization increases open and click rates.  Use the recipient’s name and reference their past participation or activities. Avoid general info emails and opt for person-to-person emails.

3. Value-Driven Content

Members are more likely to engage if the content provides real value. How? Include member-exclusive benefits, industry insights, career development tips, or association news.

4. Strong Subject Lines

The subject line is your first impression and the key to higher open rates. Think of a newspaper or magazine and what grabs your attention to read on or even give the article/content the time of day. Remember to keep it short, specific, and engaging. Use questions, emojis, or urgency, e.g., “Don’t Miss This Exclusive Member Opportunity!”

5. Use Visuals

Visual content is more engaging and breaks up copy-heavy emails. Add images, infographics, or videos that relate to your message.

6. Clear Call to Action (CTA)

A focused CTA leads members to take the next step. Use action-oriented language (“Join Now,” “Download Your Guide”). Make it easy to find and visually prominent.

7. Test & Optimize

Testing improves future campaigns.  Use A/B testing for subject lines, CTA buttons, and layouts. Track open rates, click rates, and conversions to refine your strategy.

8. Feedback & Surveys

Understanding member needs helps you better serve them. Include surveys or ask for feedback in your emails. Offer incentives for participation, like discounts or a chance to win prizes.

By focusing on personalized, valuable content and testing and optimizing campaigns, associations can keep their members engaged and improve overall satisfaction.


Read more about email marketing strategies for your association here:

SEO or SEM? Which is Better for an Association?

Mastering Email Marketing: Best Practices for Associations