How to Prepare for your Association’s Annual General Meeting

By |2024-12-19T11:48:21-06:00October 3rd, 2019|

All associations are required by law to hold an annual meeting of members, or Annual General Meeting (AGM) yearly. The AGM is to be held within six months of the association’s year end. The purpose of the AGM is for the membership to approve the financial statements of the [...]

The Importance of Staying on Top of Association Trends

By |2024-12-19T11:50:21-06:00September 26th, 2019|

Every industry has trends that affect the future of the industry and its stakeholders. In association management it is very important to stay on top of trends and to implement change to the association while having little disruption. How do trends positively influence associations and why is it so [...]

Introducing a new Membership Category to your Association

By |2024-12-19T12:07:43-06:00August 29th, 2019|

Associations often offer multiple membership categories to cover various backgrounds, entrance requirements and preferences within the association’s structure and membership base. Membership categories could be based on professional and/or educational backgrounds, years in the profession and working status among other criteria. Depending on the association’s structure and goals, membership [...]

The Message of Change – Content is as Important as Dissemination

By |2024-12-19T11:21:52-06:00June 20th, 2019|

It is critical that associations communicate openly to their members with information about events, staff and policy changes, publications, website updates and more. It is especially important to communicate with members regarding changes within the association. Even small modifications, like a minor change in schedule or location for a [...]

Your Association’s Digital Footprint: The Benefits of Digital Marketing

By |2025-01-10T10:19:28-06:00June 6th, 2019|

The world has gone digital, so it is important to ensure associations communicate digitally to ensure the message is received by members and stakeholders. Many talks I attend these days speak about the importance and measurability of digital channels to get your message out to your stakeholders. It may [...]

The Future of Association Membership – Bridging Generation Gaps

By |2020-10-21T15:16:15-05:00May 29th, 2019|

One of the challenges that faces associations today is working with different expectations from members depending on their age group. Particularly when associations have membership comprised of people from several different generations, it can be difficult to know how to tailor communication and membership offerings in order to satisfy [...]

Adding Value to Association Membership: Creating Two-Way Communication Opportunities

By |2025-01-10T16:40:31-06:00February 28th, 2019|

As stated in one of our previous articles, “Members are the lifeblood of associations. Without members, an association would cease to exist. An association’s members are its most valuable asset and bring the life, the drive, and the mission to associations.” An association should be using a variety of [...]

Why Survey Members of an Association?

By |2020-10-21T15:17:59-05:00February 7th, 2019|

Members are the lifeblood of associations. Without members, an association would cease to exist. An association’s members are its most valuable asset and bring the life, the drive, and the mission to associations. An association depends on a strong membership to ensure its continued success; therefore, it is important [...]

Why Should Associations Blog? Let us Count the Ways

By |2021-03-05T11:08:01-06:00November 22nd, 2018|

If you’ve searched for something online recently, you have undoubtedly encountered at least a blog or two, maybe even without realizing. Studies show that most people read several blogs a day, and overall, 23% of time online is spent on blog and social network webpages. For those researching a [...]

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