A Board Role—How Can You Provide the Commitment the Organization Needs from You?

By |2021-01-14T10:57:21-06:00January 7th, 2021|

My husband, Jarred inspired me to write this article. Jarred is a board volunteer. Earlier this year, he became Board President of a minor hockey association. After an election where thousands of members of the catchment voted him into this role, he hit the ground running. The COVID-19 pandemic [...]

The Pandemic Presents Opportunities for Partnership

By |2025-01-10T16:14:15-06:00November 5th, 2020|

Pandemic planning was NOT part of my vocabulary at the beginning of 2020. Earlier this year, an association we manage had recently welcomed a pandemic planner as a new member. Many association members didn’t understand the complexity and details of pandemic planning and how it could positively impact their [...]

Is It Time Your Association Hosts an Indigenous Sharing Circle?

By |2024-12-19T13:11:16-06:00September 24th, 2020|

Our society is currently adapting to the restrictions and guidelines of the COVID-19 pandemic while confronting the systematic oppression of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC). Our associations are not unaffected by present events, and we cannot ignore issues that affect members. It is difficult to invoke instant [...]

How Association Leaders Can Boost Morale During a Pandemic

By |2025-01-10T10:33:00-06:00September 10th, 2020|

As we continue to live and work through the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever for association leaders to actively listen to members’ needs. During this difficult time, associations must keep an open line of communication with members to gauge the overall morale of the association. Members [...]

Hosting Association Golf Tournaments in a COVID-19 World

By |2021-04-23T15:19:05-05:00July 23rd, 2020|

Association members are missing their face-to-face networking opportunities used to catch up with fellow members or to have those deep conversations with fellow members on issues affecting their industry. When the pandemic hit its peak earlier this year, associations had no choice but to cancel association in-person member events [...]

Maintaining Association Member Engagement in a Socially Distant World: An Interview

By |2025-01-10T11:09:37-06:00August 20th, 2020|

In this interview, Sandra Harssar, an executive member of the Promotional Products Professionals of Canada (PPPC), discusses her journey as a board member and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected association member engagement and involvement. Q: What prompted you to run for a position on the board? Sandra: I [...]

Board/Senior Staff Optimal Levels of Engagement: How Do You Assess Them?

By |2020-10-28T10:57:16-05:00July 9th, 2020|

Engagement is such a crucial factor in managing the new world where the COVID-19 pandemic exists. There are lots of discussions taking place regarding your association members’ financial health and how the pandemic will affect this year’s results and next year’s projections. Before the world paused due to the [...]

Virtual Meetings for your Association Board

By |2020-10-28T11:10:07-05:00June 25th, 2020|

With many people currently working from home, the need for association staff and volunteer leaders to work online is necessary in today’s environment. Association meetings, whether they are board or committee meetings, and the need to hold in-person meetings weekly, monthly, or quarterly has not changed; the way in [...]

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