When to introduce a new product or service to your association

By |2020-10-21T15:21:40-05:00July 16th, 2018|

Member retention is an important area of focus for every association. Ensuring that your members are receiving value for their membership is a key to retaining existing members and recruiting new members. Many times, this means that the association should be identifying changing needs of members and introducing a [...]

Association Accounting Versus Business Accounting – What’s the Difference?

By |2018-06-07T14:19:37-05:00June 7th, 2018|

Association accounting is an area that may be confusing to some because the standards are slightly different than for a typical for-profit business. Not-for-profit associations can be run similarly to for-profit businesses in that they both have revenue, expenses, clients, directors, employees, etc. Yet, there are some key differences [...]

Why your association should use a graphic standards guide

By |2024-12-19T13:28:08-06:00June 1st, 2018|

What is a graphic standards guide? A graphic-standards guide, (which can also be knowns as a brand style guide,  brand identity guide, corporate identity guide, etc., etc.) gives an overview, best use practices, and examples for the visual identity of your brand. Contents of a standards guide can include direction [...]

The Role of the Administrative Support in an Association Office

By |2018-05-24T13:51:50-05:00May 24th, 2018|

I am frequently asked, “What is it that you do for work?”. When I tell people I work for Strauss Event and Association Management in an administrative position, I usually get a blank stare. Then, I explain what an association management company is, and what my role is within [...]

Member Retention & Personality Types

By |2018-06-21T14:12:42-05:00May 17th, 2018|

Member retention is very important for the long-term viability of every association (we discussed this in a previous article that can be found at: https://strauss.ca/introducing-association-members-new-membership-feature/ ). Figuring out how to retain members can be daunting at times as it is always important to remember that you want quality members [...]

Managing Change within an Association

By |2018-05-03T16:25:15-05:00May 3rd, 2018|

Change is a broad concept for associations and association leaders to work through. The world is changing at an alarming pace, which is affecting the way that boards and association leaders operate in many ways. I recently attended a session put on by the Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian [...]

Three Tips to Prepare for a Smooth Membership Audit

By |2018-04-26T13:39:31-05:00April 26th, 2018|

Professional associations and colleges often require members to maintain continuing education points (CEPs) throughout their career to ensure that they remain current in their knowledge and are aware of technological, practical, and scientific advancements in their industry. To avoid losing their professional designation, members are required to earn a [...]

Benefits of Renewing Membership

By |2018-04-19T13:36:43-05:00April 19th, 2018|

We are now living in a frequently evolving world where there are constant changes taking place all the time, all around us. Having easy, quick access to information that will help individuals in their industry and careers is of utmost importance to ensure that the highest standards are met, [...]

Is Your Association A High-Performance Association?

By |2018-04-12T10:40:30-05:00April 12th, 2018|

Has the performance of your association been thoroughly evaluated? How do you know if it is time to begin the process of progressing your association into a high-performance association? High-performance associations possess the following key characteristics: The vision and mission of the association are owned and shared by all [...]

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