Association Management Company = Dream Team

By |2025-01-10T16:39:37-06:00October 25th, 2023|

The association’s long-time executive director who managed every aspect of the professional association, is leaving and to fulfill this role, the association’s Board of Directors has hired an association management company (AMC). But what does this mean? How will it benefit membership? And will it be expensive? Just a [...]

Importance of Key Message Training for an Association’s Board of Directors

By |2025-01-10T10:39:19-06:00October 19th, 2023|

Key message training for an association’s Board of Directors is often thought as a tactic when the organization is in crisis communications mode. But the fact is, it is an essential aspect of effective communications and governance. It helps to ensure Board members are all on the same page [...]

The Association Coordinator – A Vital Role Part Two

By |2023-10-11T12:46:16-05:00October 11th, 2023|

Welcome back to part two of The Association Coordinator – A Vital Role. Association coordinators play a pivotal role in the success and smooth functioning of various organizations, be it professional associations, non-profits, or industry groups. Their responsibilities range from managing memberships to organizing events, ensuring effective communications, and [...]

Clarity – How it Relates to Associations

By |2023-07-06T09:56:54-05:00June 29th, 2023|

Clarity is a cornerstone to working with associations. It is hard to function well without it. Being an Association Manager and working for an Association Management Company (AMC), I find myself using the word “clarity” constantly when working with Boards.   During a recent Board meeting, we referred to clarity [...]

Recognizing the Value of Board Members as Volunteers

By |2024-12-19T13:20:45-06:00June 22nd, 2023|

"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart." – Elizabeth Andrew.  Recently I saw a post on an association's member forum with a negative comment about the Board of Directors and the perks they receive. It shocked me that association members may not see or understand [...]

The Value of Association Values

By |2024-12-19T13:21:42-06:00June 15th, 2023|

Young people increasingly prioritize working for, buying from, and involving themselves with companies and organizations that align with their values [1], [2]. Values are important for associations, too, creating the foundation of strategy and providing clear expectations around behaviours and decision-making.   I know first-hand the consequences of not [...]

Lead with PRIDE! – What Associations can learn from observing pride month

By |2023-06-15T10:19:24-05:00June 8th, 2023|

Did you know that June is celebrated globally by many as Pride month? You may have noticed at your local supermarket, an increase in rainbow coloured clothing, decorations and flags lining the shelves. Or perhaps driving downtown, large corporations and small business alike both brandishing window posters and signs [...]

Dear Female Association Leader: You are Enough

By |2023-03-24T10:03:28-05:00March 23rd, 2023|

You are a female association volunteer leader who has just taken charge of reviewing and updating the association’s Policies and Procedures. It’s a big job. In fact, it’s the most sizeable project you’ve ever taken on in this role.   You start to question whether you can do this, and [...]

Practicing The Art Of Woo (Winning Others Over) Within An Association

By |2023-02-13T14:47:54-06:00February 7th, 2023|

Difficult people are everywhere. Despite one’s best efforts some people are never pleased. But when they are exhibitors at an association event or tradeshow how can they be transitioned from difficult to champion? Practicing the art of WOO or Winning Others Over can help move difficult exhibitors to enthusiastic [...]

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