The Power of Interactive Social Media Posts and Reels for an Association

By |2023-09-07T12:29:34-05:00August 17th, 2023|

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, associations seek innovative ways and solutions to capture and retain the attention of their target audience. Enter interactive posts and reels, two dynamic content formats that have taken the social media world by storm. This article explores why integrating interactive posts and reels into [...]

The Importance of SEO for Associations

By |2023-09-07T12:29:50-05:00August 10th, 2023|

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an integral part of any successful, annual marketing communications (marcom) strategy. Not only does it help to ensure the association stays top of mind with key audiences when searching keywords and topics relevant to the association, it also helps to build the association’s authority [...]

The Energizing Force of New Association Board Members

By |2023-09-07T12:30:05-05:00August 3rd, 2023|

The arrival of new Board members always brings a fresh burst of energy to an association.  These individuals, with their diverse backgrounds, skills, and new perspectives bring new life into Board meetings that might otherwise become stale.  In this article, I will explore the positive impacts new Board members [...]

The Association Coordinator – A Vital Role Part 1

By |2023-09-07T12:30:12-05:00July 27th, 2023|

It’s Monday morning, you are in line for coffee at your favorite local coffee shop and as the barista hands you your custom latté, they decide to ask: ‘What do you do for work’? Panic ensues as you try to boil down your position as an association coordinator using [...]

Being Present as an Association Leader Right Here, Right Now

By |2023-09-07T12:31:16-05:00July 20th, 2023|

As a volunteer association leader, being present is not just about being seen, and physically showing up to wave the flag at your association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), or Conference, it’s about being fully engaged in the moment.  What Does it Mean to Be Present?  Being present refers to [...]

Maximizing an Association’s Service Delivery

By |2023-04-28T08:11:10-05:00April 27th, 2023|

I recently took part in an association’s strategic planning session. The goal of the session was to create a three-year strategic plan. During the session, four priority areas were outlined by the association’s leaders. One of the priorities was to Maximize Service Delivery, which is defined as ‘to improve [...]

Recruit the Youth: Association Board Leadership

By |2023-04-20T12:20:54-05:00April 20th, 2023|

Association Boards must be constantly evolving and advancing to stay relevant in their respective industries. This article explains why the youth takeover should now be embraced and appreciated by association Boards and their long-time leaders, and how engaging the youth can only improve an association’s future.  Youth are often [...]

The Importance of Fostering Relationships Between an Association’s Board & Staff

By |2023-04-13T10:52:08-05:00April 13th, 2023|

“The unique and multifaceted relationship between the board and its executive is perhaps the most important relationship leading to organizational success or failure. Like the two partners in a skating competition, each side can either bring out the best in the other or prevent the other from skating well.” [...]

Key Messages: An Effective Communications Tool for Associations

By |2023-03-30T13:21:11-05:00March 30th, 2023|

Key messages are often viewed by associations as the ‘break glass in case of emergency’ go-to tactic when in crisis communications mode or prepping for an unsavoury announcement. Not true! Key messages are the essential building blocks for all communications including annual strategic marketing communications (marcom) plans, campaign-specific plans, [...]

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