Why Survey Members of an Association?

By |2020-10-21T15:17:59-05:00February 7th, 2019|

Members are the lifeblood of associations. Without members, an association would cease to exist. An association’s members are its most valuable asset and bring the life, the drive, and the mission to associations. An association depends on a strong membership to ensure its continued success; therefore, it is important [...]

Association Certification Exams: Setting Yourself up for Success

By |2025-01-10T10:39:19-06:00January 31st, 2019|

Whenever there is a certification connected to an association’s membership, it is likely that members have needed to challenge their College’s exam to use said title in their professional practice. In association management companies (AMCs), the association coordinator is tasked with organizing and planning the certification exams. This task [...]

Association Membership Management Systems: Is it Time for a Change?

By |2021-08-26T10:16:17-05:00December 5th, 2018|

Thinking of switching membership management systems for your association? Here are a few things to consider before making the change. There are a variety of Association Management Systems (AMS) available. These systems are used for many association services, including membership signup, membership renewal, event registration, sales, and marketing. They [...]

Bilingual Associations: Serving Members, en français et en anglais!

By |2020-10-15T08:24:48-05:00November 1st, 2018|

As an association coordinator working for a Canadian association management company who manages associations with members across the country, I often interact not only with Anglophones, but Francophones as well. Being a bilingual association coordinator at Strauss event & association management has many advantages and often makes me think [...]

Editing Documents in Association Management

By |2020-10-15T08:25:22-05:00October 25th, 2018|

Editing is an important and necessary step in writing any piece in the workplace. As an association coordinator, I do editing work every day, even if I’m not consciously aware of it. Re-reading an email before sending it to a board member, that’s editing. Having a colleague proofread an [...]

How to Write Things That Will Actually Get Read – Part 2

By |2020-10-21T15:22:03-05:00July 5th, 2018|

Recently, I was on a call regarding anti-spam legislation (for more information). The mandated “Unsubscribe” button make me think about how valuable, and precarious, member engagement is for associations. With the advent of email, all it takes is literally a click of a button for your members to “Unsubscribe” [...]

Where Did I Save That? – Increase Efficiency with A Standardized File Structure

By |2021-05-13T11:30:41-05:00February 18th, 2016|

Anyone who has ever taken over a position from someone else knows that everyone has a unique way of filing electronic documents. Saving a file in one place may make sense to me but is not necessarily logical to my colleague. This issue came to the forefront in our [...]

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