Strauss Articles
Knowledge, Insight, and Experience
Every Thursday, our experts provide insights into industry trends and issues that readers can leverage to improve their associations and signature events.
Ways to Recognize Association Members
Associations thrive and grow when members are interested in the actions of its board and association. That is why it is [...]
The Best of Both Worlds: Utilizing the Strengths of Virtual and In-Person Meetings
Over the past year we have all adjusted to working in the virtual space. We made refinements to how we collaborated [...]
Preparing to Change Membership Database Systems for an Association
Membership databases play a crucial role for the success of any association. Keeping track of membership information is important for organization [...]
Social Media for Associations – Maximize Engagement and Visibility
One of the easiest ways for associations to keep their members updated on all the goings-on in their field or industry [...]
How To Keep Virtual Board Meetings Engaging
It has been over a year since association board members from around the country have been able to hold in-person board [...]
Investing for Associations: How to Handle Your Cash
As an association management company, we are interested in presenting our clients with smart financial options. One thing we consistently monitor [...]
In-Person Events in a Vaccinated World
We all want to get back to in-person events as soon as possible. The success of your association’s trade show or [...]
Boards and Ethical Decision Making
In an everchanging world, it’s important that an association’s board of directors prioritizes adapting to change. Creating an ethically sound process [...]
Board Chair, Doing it Right!
What does it take to be a good board chair? What skill set do you need and who do you partner [...]
Elevating Your Association’s Visibility with Podcasts
Podcasts are everywhere these days—and for good reason. According to research from The Podcast Exchange, 30% of English-speaking Canadian adults listened [...]
Connecting your Association: Part 2-Gen X Communication
In part one of Connecting your Association, we covered the communication styles and preferences of Millennials (generally born between 1981 and [...]
Association Staff Turnover: Surviving the Transition
For associations, staff turnover happens. Whether it’s a reassignment of duties best suited for the staff’s skill set, a promotion to [...]
Ready to Be a Successful Board Leader?
You have been nominated and are now a newly appointed board member. You were either recruited for your skillset or you [...]
Adapting Board Leadership to Challenges of the Pandemic
The last 14-months have felt more like a daily one-hundred-meter dash rather than a marathon. While I am no runner, I [...]
Recognizing the Value of Association Volunteers
Associations depends on volunteer members; their work is critical to its success. Imagine setting up a lemonade stand for your entire [...]
Insurance 101 for Associations
I recently had the opportunity to connect with Olivia Reed, licensed insurance broker, and Director at BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd. [...]
Creating Web Content to Keep Members Engaged
There’s a little bit of magic that goes into bringing people back to your website over and over again. Your association’s [...]
Reading Association Financial Statements
Our team is often helps volunteer association leaders understand their organization’s financial statements. We put together this handy guide to help [...]
What are the Financial Responsibilities of an Association Board?
So, you have volunteered to become an association board leader, but what responsibilities does this position entail? Specifically, overseeing the financials [...]
How To Improve Your Association’s Blog Performance
There are many reasons your association has a blog: show-casing the knowledge and accomplishments of your members, building your online presence, [...]