About Chantal R. Champagne

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So far Chantal R. Champagne has created 21 blog entries.

The Secret to Managing Speakers: Keep Them Happy!

By |2015-06-16T11:47:50-05:00April 15th, 2015|

One of the primary reasons delegates choose to attend a conference is the quality of the educational content that is being offered, and educational content comes from the professional speakers that you or your planning committee have selected. Speakers are one of the keys to the success of your [...]

Sending out the Right Message to the Right People – Attendance Marketing

By |2025-01-10T10:33:32-06:00February 26th, 2015|

Our previous article Boost Attendance with Exceptional Conference Promotion provided a great introduction to the attendance marketing discussion but since there is so much you can do to customize your marketing efforts and increase your attendance we’re continuing that discussion here. Let’s start by making sure you take the [...]

What to Include in Your Event Sponsorship Package?

By |2015-06-16T11:47:18-05:00February 5th, 2015|

Contacting and confirming sponsorships for your event can be one of the most nerve-racking steps in the event planning process, but being well prepared, will alleviate a lot of the stress. The Sponsorship Package (or Sponsor & Exhibitor Package) is your “pitch” to potential supporters. Don’t send this out [...]

Partnering with Hotels for a Successful Event

By |2025-01-10T11:10:04-06:00December 18th, 2014|

Are you an event manager? If so, have a glance through your emails and take notice of how much of your inbox traffic consists of messages from the hotel conference service manager at the hotel where you are planning your next conference or event. In a perfect world, these [...]

Work With a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) to Save Time and Money

By |2017-07-10T14:11:30-05:00November 13th, 2014|

What would be your answer if someone offered to save you time and money in the planning of your conference/event? “YES, please!” Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO’s) can do just that. What is a DMO? The Destination Marketing Association International defines it as: Organizations charged with representing a specific destination [...]

Are You Looking to Improve Your Event Website?

By |2015-06-16T11:46:45-05:00September 12th, 2014|

I am guilty of creating an opinion about a company or event based on the quality of their website. Are you? My initial reaction and experience on the home page of a website could make or break whether I choose to hire a company, work with a supplier, or [...]

Keep Your Exhibitors Happy!

By |2025-01-10T10:16:14-06:00July 8th, 2014|

It is easier to keep exhibitors than to bring in new ones. Most organizations only have the budget to exhibit at a select few tradeshows each year and obviously you’d prefer that they attend yours. If an exhibitor has to pick and choose, why would they choose your conference [...]

Personalize Attendee Experience At Your Next Conference

By |2015-06-16T11:46:44-05:00June 5th, 2014|

Have you ever been to a conference or event where you got back to your room after a long day of sessions to find a personalized card and gift on your hotel bed? Didn’t this make you feel special!? Make delegates at your conference feel like someone cares, and [...]

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